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Stress Can Compromise Your Immune System

Dr. Nancy

We live in a stressful world, and modern, rushed lifestyles have allowed stress to filter into almost every aspect of our lives. Stress can stem from physical, chemical or emotional sources, and it can be real or perceived.

It is impossible to avoid all the stresses that come your way, but the solution lies in the way you react to it. Resilience is your capacity to respond to stress.

Don't let stress jeopardize your health.

Scientists have long been aware of the connection between stress and the immune system, and how it can be compromised by stress. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy manner will minimize the negative impact it may have on your immune system efficiency.

How stress weakens the immune system.

The immune system is the body’s form of defence against foreign invaders like viruses, bacteria and parasites . It is made up a myriad of cells, tissues, and organs, which work together to fight toxins and other foreign substances which threaten to do harm to the body. When you have stressed the immune system’s ability to defend the body, immunity is reduced and we become more susceptible to infections.

How the immune system is compromised by stress:

  • Studies have shown that the immune system of highly stressed people has sluggish responses to health challenges.

  • The raised levels of the stress hormone cortisol, over-produced by chronic stress, can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system, making you more vulnerable to infections.

  • While cortisol does its job, the immune system receives signals to slow down, and if stress is not eased and cortisol stays high, the immune system may remain in low gear.

  • The under-performing immune system can then result in serious inflammatory conditions, which is the cause of many ailments.

  • The immunity of those who would normally have a healthy immune system is subsequently lowered.

  • Stress can have an indirect effect on the immune system if a person uses unhealthy coping strategies like binge-eating of unhealthy foods, smoking or drinking alcohol.

The bottom line is that if you have constant, chronic stress which is not effectively handled, you lay open to various illnesses which can have a devastating effect on your health.

Steps you can take to help reduce stress.

  • Eat a good nourishing breakfast each day that includes minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium which have a calming effect on the body.

  • Follow a healthy diet as much as possible. Stay away from sugars and unhealthy fats.

  • Avoid excessive caffeine, which may give you a short boost, but could leave you feeling jittery and anxious as you wind down.

  • It is very important to get enough sleep. Sleep pattern disturbances, or even mild insomnia, will be perceived by the body as a major stress. The cortisol will rise to new heights, and immunity will fall to new lows.

  • Interact socially often, and talk to family and friends if you feel the need to unburden or get some advice.

The efficiency of your stress-coping skills will be the key to a vital, fully-functioning immune system.

The good news is that a little stress is not a bad thing, as it keeps you alert to react to sudden, unexpected stressful situations. Short-term suppression of the immune system will not put you into danger, it is only when it is chronic that you will be prone to infection and disease.

Brief, curtailed bouts of stress due to unforeseen events or circumstances in your life, will simply keep you on your toes to respond quickly to the situation and will have no negative effect whatsoever on your immune system.

Stress is no laughing matter, as it plays a part in many deadly diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and chronic digestive problems, to name but a few.

Surveys conducted worldwide have revealed some disturbing facts.

  • In the US results showed 75% of adults reported experiencing high to moderate stress in the past month, and more than half felt their stress increased over the past year

  • 91% of Australians presently feel stress in at least one part of their lives, while Australian employers report absenteeism due to stress costs the economy about $14.2 billion annually.

  • 3.7 million working days are lost annually in the UK, thanks to stress-related issues, at a cost of about 28.3 billion British pounds.

Chronic stress is a serious situation indeed!

You do not have to be a statistic of poor health because of stress. If you cannot handle it on your own, get assistance from someone who has the expertise to help you. Do what is best for your health.


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